
Just for the record, Colonel Caboose's dodo was Griselda, not Zelda. (Trust me--I do go back that far! I even still have the photocard he gave out to kids on his show and elsewhere!)

Admin reply: You are correct - thanks for correcting that. I've updated the Farewell, Colonel Caboose page. Apparently my recollection of Colonel Caboose is slipping as the years go by.

Added: January 12, 2013
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Great website! I have spent several hours on the site,
and thanks for the great memories of the line. Growing up @ Meehan Station allowed me to daily see or photo the
great Alcos on that jointed line. My brother and I could
hear GBW trains coming by the horn as it Xed @ County Road F - and would wait for the house to rattle, rumble
and creak as the multiple units made their way at night, back toward Green Bay. My favorite: 312 the Homer E. McGee. A great unit. Thank you.

Admin reply: Thanks for sharing your memories!

Added: September 8, 2012
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Bob Gile pointed us to this website. My wife printed out the history of the Merrillan Depot and when my mother (Jean Anderson) asked where he got the info she noticed that you referenced her name on your site. Thank you for that. :)

Admin reply: The thanks goes to Jean Anderson for sharing with! (A 1969 photo of a plow train taken by Jean is here: Plow Train)

Added: July 23, 2012
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I've been browsing through your website for a couple of hours. You have done a wonderful job gathering it all and putting it all together. I still hope to build an HO layout with some GBW-KGBW-AW scenes, but I'm getting pretty old. I grew up in Green Bay in the 20's 30's and 40's.

Admin reply: Thanks for the kind words! I grew up in New Franken in the 1960s, hence my interest in the GB&W.

Added: July 1, 2012
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Fantastic website for GBW HO scale modelers like me. Does anyone know much about the Strid Grain Elevator that has graced the Norwood Yard for so long? My question is: when was the Green Bay Route logo applied to the elevator? Was it there in 1956? (the time period of my model layout.

Jim Murphy

Admin reply: The GREEN BAY ROUTE logo on the Strid grain elevator wasn't added until the early 1960s.

Added: June 27, 2012
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Just found this website from a reference on the Chesapeake and Ohio Yahoo Group.

Tremendous information and very well done!


John Dellinger, Retired CSX and CPR
Plymouth, MI :)

Added: April 28, 2012
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