Green Bay & Western Lines
The East-West Short Route


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The East-West Short Route
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This photo and short article about GB&W's Norwood shop crew appeared in the Green Bay Press-Gazette in 1976.

The Green Bay Press-Gazette ran an article called "100 Years of Progress" in every Sunday's edition.  Sponsored by Kellogg Bank, it featured a different photo from Green Bay's past and a short article to go with it.  This particular one appeared in 1976, although I don't know the exact date. 

Those are some interesting tools that they have on display.  Can anyone identify them - email me at if you can!

Here's the text from the article:

A major reason for the economic growth of this community was the early arrival of the railroads.  This mode of transportation coupled with the already existing excellent water port assured the area that with reasonable effort central wholesale distribution would always be fundamental to the economy.  Although north-south transfer was assured, the east-west direction of movement was not until the Green Bay and Western Railroad was established.  Even today the problem of east-west transfer is something that the community must watch with continual awareness.  Just five years ago a total highway program was launched which finally brought a cohesive plan to the area, and today efforts must be constant to maintain the east-west transfer.  Strong, determined hardworking men maintained our economic progress through the years.  Above you see the Green Bay and Western Railroad Shop crew of 1915.  In the second row sitting second from the right is 16 year old Richard Grzybowski, who fibbed about his age by adding a year, to begin work at a dime per hour.  It was men like these who kept our community working and growing, setting the basis for growth yet to come.  Working always in this vital enterprise is Kellogg Bank, planning for the years yet to come by working harder today.

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
Visit the Guest Book or send comments to
Updated August 11, 2009

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
Visit the Guest Book or send comments to
Updated July 11, 2015