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The East-West Short Route


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MIGN #1501 (1977)

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MIGN #1501 in 1977.

Other RS-2 photos:

RS-2 #304 (1966)

RS-2 #304 (1967)

RS-2 #304 (ca. 1975)

RS-2 #304 (1975)

Michigan Northern #1501 (ca. 1980).


The Alco "250" Engine:

The Alco "250" engine was really just the 244H, the last version of the 244. It was called the 250 by Alco's marketing department so it wouldn't be confused with the earlier versions of the 244 -- and their well-known problems. It was basically produced for upgrades and rebuilds, and included many features and some parts which went into the 251 engine which was used on Alco RS-11 and later new production.

The "250" was the engine used in the Milwaukee Road RSC-2's rebuilt by Alco, and was used in applications where a 251 would not fit, like the RS/RSC-2 family.

- John Gadow

Michigan Northern #1501's Green Bay Route heritage (ex GBW #304) is obvious by the staggered safety stripes on the loco frame.

This photo comes from Paul Baumgartner, an engineer on the MIGN.   As he describes it:

"My favorite shot of MIGN #1501 taken in Cadillac Michigan in 1977. The former Central of Georgia #151 repainted to green and white is in the rear, with Cadillac Mallible Iron Works in the distance. Makes me shiver every time I see this picture."

Paul, along with Herb Streiby, the Michigan Northern's Chief Mechanical Officer from 1978 until the business ceased, were able to add more information about GBW #304's history on the Michigan Northern:

The RS-2 ran in unmodified form until late 1978, when a bearing failure in the 244 engine put her out of service.  The locomotive went back to Norwood Shops, where a used Alco model "250" engine was installed in February 1979. (See the sidebar at right for a discussion of the Alco 250 engine.)  At that time, the main generator was also overhauled. The short hood was cut down, and a full width windshield applied at Cadillac, making the external appearance similar to GB&W's RS-20's #305-#308. The control stand was not moved, however. In 1981, while attempting to move a heavy cut of sand cars, the main generator flashed over. Repairs were attempted at the Cadillac shop, but were unsuccessful. The incident essentially ended the career of this locomotive. She was restricted to yard service and light loading until eventually she was taken out of service completely. Many parts from all of the scrapped Alcos were sold back to the GB&W and were trucked to Norwood in 1984.

The 1501 was scrapped at Cadillac during 1983-84. All the Alcos remaining on the property except the ex CNW 1554 (which was sold to the Litchfield and Madison in Arkansas) were scrapped during this time period.

mn1501.jpg (58345 bytes)
Paul Baumgartner photo, 1977.
This photo may not be reproduced without permission.

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
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Updated April 14, 2012

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
Visit the Guest Book or send comments to
Updated July 11, 2015