Green Bay & Western Lines
The East-West Short Route


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The East-West Short Route
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Baird Creek

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Take a tour of Marv Preussler's Kewaunee Division of the GB&W.

Baird Creek

The industrial setting of Green Bay gives way to Wisconsin's forests as our train begins the long climb up the valley of Baird Creek.  Marv makes many of trees using products from Scenic Express.

The remaining portion of Marv's layout through Luxemburg and Kewaunee is still under construction.  Seeing his wonderful work on other parts of his layout, we can't wait to see what he will accomplish in the future!

Professional Paint and Decal ]   [ Back ]

Mark Mathu photo.


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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
Visit the Guest Book or send comments to
Updated August 11, 2009

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
Visit the Guest Book or send comments to
Updated July 11, 2015