Green Bay & Western Lines
The East-West Short Route


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Rail Photos Unlimited

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Sells photos and slides of GB&W equipment from the 1960s-1980s.

Rail Photos Unlimited (  has almost three dozen photos and slides of GB&W equipment for sale. I haven't purchased any of these so I can't vouch for their individual quality, but the samples of some of their other prints and slides that I have seen are of good quality.  Information on ordering is available at their web site.


No. Type Color Scheme Date Location View
102 S-1 Red/Gray 6/68 WI, Port Edwards L 3/4 Rear
103 S-1 Red/Gray 2/68 WI, Green Bay L 3/4 Rear
302 RS-2 Red/Gray 11/69 WI, Wisconsin Rapids R 3/4 Rear
304 RS-2 Red/Gray 6/68 WI, Wisconsin Rapids L 3/4 Rear
305 RS-3u (Note 1) Red/White 8/73 WI, Green Bay R 3/4
305 RS-3u Red/White 8/84 WI, Green Bay L 3/4
306 RS-3u Red/White 7/85 WI, Wisconsin Rapids L 3/4
308 RS-3u Red/White 8/84 WI, Green Bay R 3/4
309 RS-11 Red/Gray 6/67 WI, Wisconsin Rapids R 3/4
310 RS-27 Red/Gray 4/66 WI, Wisconsin Rapids L 3/4
311 C-424 Red/White 7/85 WI, Wisconsin Rapids L 3/4
311 C-424 Red/White 7/85 WI, Wisconsin Rapids L 3/4 Rear
312 C-424 Red/White 5/79 WI, Green Bay R 3/4
312 C-424 Red/White 7/80 WI, Green Bay R 3/4
312 C-424 Red/White (Note 2) 1/85 Mn , Winona L 3/4
313 C-424 Red/Gray 9/69 WI, Wisconsin Rapids R 3/4
315 C-430 Red/White 8/84 WI, Green Bay L 3/4
317 Rs-27 Red/White 6/70 WI, Wisconsin Rapids R 3/4
318 Rs-27 Red/White 8/84 WI, Green Bay R 3/4
319 C-424 Red/White 7/85 WI, Green Bay L 3/4
321 C-424 Red/White 8/84 WI, Green Bay R 3/4
323 C-420 Red/White 8/84 WI, Green Bay R 3/4
2407 RSD-15 Red/White/Yellow 4/91 WI, Green Bay R 3/4


No. Type Date Color
102 Transfer 8/84 Yellow/Red
105 Transfer 7/80 Yellow/Red
112 Center Flush Cupola 6/81 Yellow/Red
114 Bay Window 7/80 Yellow/Red
118 Bay Window 8/84 Yellow/Red

Freight Cars

No. Type Date Color
173 Hopper (20 Ft.) 7/85 Red/White
5506 Gondola (52 Ft.) 12/83 Black/White
7292 Plug Door Box Car (50 Ft.) 7/80 Yellow/Black
7558 Box Car - Paper Loading (50 Ft.) 8/84 Blue/White
7581 Box Car - Paper Loading (50 Ft.) 10/86 Blue/White
7610 Box Car - Paper Loading (50 Ft.) 8/84 Blue/White


  1. The RS-3u was typically referred to as RS-20s on the GB&W. I am using the RS-3u notation that Rail Photos Unlimited does.
  2. "The Homer E. McGee" paint scheme.

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
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Updated August 11, 2009

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
Visit the Guest Book or send comments to
Updated July 11, 2015