Green Bay & Western Lines
The East-West Short Route


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The East-West Short Route
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#406 (1952.05.26)

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The end of steam power on the Green Bay Route.

It's May, 1952... steam power has already been silenced by the arrival of diesel locomotives.  After months of storage at Norwood Yard, the GBW's last steam locomotives were hauled off for scrap.  This photo shows #406, the very last GBW steam loco, on what may have been its very last day on the railroad.

Notice the diesel switchers behind the tender and on the adjacent track.

Charles Willhoft photo, May 25, 1952.

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
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Updated April 19, 2015

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
Visit the Guest Book or send comments to
Updated July 11, 2015