Green Bay & Western Lines
The East-West Short Route


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Green Bay & Western Lines
The East-West Short Route
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.On the railroad right-of-way next to a feed mill at the crossing near the dairy plant.

This appears to be the original depot built in 1874.  If so, it is one of the oldest depot still in existence on the Green Bay Route (along with the nearby Hixton depot).

It appears to be a storage building for a local heating company and is in pretty poor condition.

Southwest corner.

Southeast corner

Bob Gile
May not be reproduced without permission.

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
Visit the Guest Book or send comments to
Updated December 08, 2009

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
Visit the Guest Book or send comments to
Updated July 11, 2015